The form of life of the Servants of the Children of Light is this: to renew the earthly city of God by serving Christ in the child in humility and meekness so that the darkness of the world may be scattered by the Light of the New Jerusalem (Is. 9, Is. 60, Rev. 11, Ps. 52). The sisters will strive to assist the child in being conformed to the image of the Son of God. To do so, the child is put into contact with Christ “who teaches within” (St. Augustine) and the Holy Spirit who causes transformation into the image of God.
St. Benedict, with remarkable foresight, realized that peace comes from doing spiritual battle with “principalities and powers;” that the rebuilding of society begins with the rebuilding of the soul on the firm rock of Christ. Because of the profound insight into the nature of monastic life, the Rule of St. Benedict serves as an inspiration for the ordering of the Community’s life.
To support and safeguard this charism, along with the traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, the sisters take a fourth vow to serve Christ in the child.