In 1950, two years before her death, Dr. Maria Montessori would be heard remarking, "when in any particular epoch there arises in human society some universal need, accompanied by a universal longing (conscious or unconscious) to have it met, then we find that, from the heart of the Catholic Church, there arises some new spiritual movement in response to it" (Child in the Church, 116). When this occurs, the Lord, in His great wisdom, often brings about new religious orders to respond to the need.
Montessori's desire was very clear. "In truth," she said, "what we need is a new religious order. Here I am, and I have been working all my life for the rights of the child, for the recognition of childhood as 'the Other Pole of Humanity.' For 50 years I have been doing this, and look how little really has been accomplished. An individual working alone can be compared to a man digging by himself in a field whereas the work of a religious Order, by comparison, is like that accomplished by a bulldozer" (Child in the Church, 117).
The Lord has indeed done great things, giving rise to this new religious community in this time and place in history. What a marvel that He has allowed us to share in this great mission begun by Montessori.
We know the Lord is the Builder, but we need generous donors to ensure the convent is properly prepared for future sisters. Five cells (rooms) were created, completely renovating the upstairs portion of the house. A proper chapel needed to be added to the house, as well. A beautiful space was completely remodeled for this purpose and dedicated by our local Bishop. We would love to beautify the chapel even more with the addition of a small stained glass window!
Heat also had to be added to various locations in the convent. The community has recently replaced the fence around the property that was is disrepair. We also recently replaced siding on part of the house, but the rest of the siding and the pathway to the house are still in need of repair. We also lack a proper parking enclosure for the winter months and need to provide additional rooms for sisters in the near future. A second car will also soon be n
A great mission the Lord has entrusted to us! Let us give generously to that which He calls us to do; build up His Kingdom here and now, loving and serving Him in the child.
May you "be enriched in every way for your great generosity" (2 Cor. 9:11)!
Donations may be submitted via online or addressed to
Servants of the Children of Light and mailed to
Christ the King Catholic Montessori School
505 10th Ave. NW
Mandan, ND 58554
Servants of the Children of Light is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit in the state of North Dakota.
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